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Yōmu does not have a BWC

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What's wrong with being AGP?


it can lead to you know what


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this thread is satire btw don't get any ideas


what the fuck is this shit, autogynephilia is not a "pseudoscientific hypothesis", it's a scientifically documented paraphilia just like liking feet or kids and all it takes is one visit to rule34 comment section to know it


i am AGP btw


>This covers lesbian, bisexual, asexual,[note 1] and pansexual trans women.
this already sounds like a cope. ratwik is just as bad as kiwifarms btw


the only times i ever got rationalwiki website in my search results is when I search up something based and right wing and they have a page to cry about it being even more leftist than wikipedia


So true


6ix9ine this 6ix9ine that


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The controversy around AGP is the idea that it drives the want to transition in non-androphilic trans women, rather than whether it is a real phenomenon. Autogynephilia is a documented fetish.

What do you mean by cope,

Blanchard said that "asexual" trans women have autogynephilia. See picture (taken from
Blanchard, R. (1985). Typology of male-to-female transsexualism. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 14(3), 247–261. doi:10.1007/bf01542107

Androphilic = attracted to men
Gynephilic = attracted to women.
Autogynephilia = Arrousal at the thought of being a woman.

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