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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1727764690706.png (84.96 KB, 419x248, 344 - christmas kaku_seiga….png)


Christmas just started


has not


I saw some christmas decorations in stores doe


christmas is about family or something not coonsuming
or something


File: 1727770004900.png (24.77 KB, 700x700, kogasa_gyate_scared.png)

at first i thought op image was a kongasa but now i realize its seiga


It's wakasagihime


It's Mai


File: 1727918002637.jpg (231.7 KB, 1671x2804, GY6CpAyWoAA7Uxu.jpg)


im in love


File: 1727923171634.jpg (1 MB, 2000x1500, 118064663_p0.jpg)

she's from onterrible
she's really talented iwth makeup and costumes
i don't really like looking at her though …………………..


Know who else is from OnTruke?


Happy Hanukkah


it's not shitmas


File: 1728728963050.png (2.97 MB, 1440x2560, file.png)





fvvvck jag menade sanningskärnvapen


no trick or treaters this year


he is the bone of his sword.


thanks merkel



File: 1731188644071.mp4 (12.73 MB, 1920x1080, 85749 - SoyBooru.mp4)


You could have said Onsokyo and I think most people still would have gotten it because it's the same number of syllables


File: 1733944387788.jpg (98.24 KB, 1366x1748, GedQ8uaW8AAp7Qj.jpg)



thank you sis


File: 1733945034146.jpg (964.28 KB, 3003x2041, 5ee49188a6b30266da0816b522….jpg)

Countdown to Christ-Mas!


File: 1733945986515.jpeg (869.49 KB, 918x1426, IMG_3212.jpeg)



Da you see looks sad((


File: 1733948199348.png (1.32 MB, 916x2204, aaa.png)


this issue with trolling Christians is that they enjoy talking and thinking about Jesus Christ so much that they enjoy marking up your 2 minute shitpost over 20 minutes


File: 1733948499210.png (71.39 KB, 421x248, 601 - daiyousei embodiment….png)

Ice fairy won't notice her because she's a knuckle head :'(


File: 1733948963722.jpg (70.11 KB, 1562x1315, 1396541356658.jpg)

>Da you see
tf2 gmod HWG said this in my head


File: 1737217888841.png (1.94 MB, 2237x2480, IMG_3713.png)

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