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/j3/ when?

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 No.1Important[Last 100 Posts]

In this thread you may discuss the current state of /bant/: request, concerns, suggestion, thoughts, complaints, compliments to the staff (boot-licking), and contain your drama faggotry here. Thank you.


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i didndu nuffin lole


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I have one important request/suggestion/concern in regards to tripcodes: disable that fuggin' shite mang! I see it as cancer already (you know who and any potential attention whore losers). Glad to see avatarfagging kept at a minimal, and the flags are being used as intended to add a certain flare to each individual user. Beautiful sight, honest. As I see and seen it happen, tripcodes will only lead to thread derailment and resentment among users. I see it as redundant as well given the flag gimmick and capcodes being a thing. So the question is, why have tripcodes enabled?


add blue text orange text yellow text white text flipping text rotating text big text


add people's IPs next to their name


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if you can be derailed that easily then you didn't have anything important to discuss in the first place.


same with namefags


This, and add an orbital missile strike option to send to the users location.


I meant for the ban to be one hour long wtfwt




keep it permanent


Do this


Names are disabled atm
I'll do that when I get up


keep it permanent
he will unironically make people leave with his cringe


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Formatting like this on mobile makes me laugh


Crystal cafe and other vichan derivatives have that so I don't feel too bad… but I'll do something about it


thanks for reducing it to the hour length, i promise to lurk more and stop metaposting outside of /j/.


the thread watcher on 4chan x is mad bugged and hardly updates when things have new replies


Reduce thread amount on /bant/ to 25. Website is a little to slow to have more than 30 threads up. I am aleady noticing /bant/ tier thread posting of one liner, disposable garbage threads. Not that there is anything wrong with the occasional low-effort shtipost if it is accompanied with an image of substance, or as an imageboard "culture" insider joke (a little abstract with my explanation, but you try elaborating better).

I suggest either leaving the thread till it bumps off, deleting them to reduce to 25, or merge the threads.

Damn, you guys are really making wanna fondle your little imageboard here.


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this must have something to do with it


That'll be hard to look into, I figured a lot of 4chanx's features are broken when not on 4chan, but the amount of working features is pretty huge, so it's been worth it to roll with this status quo, and most people are like "WAOW!"
On 4chad the threads per page are 15 while here it's 8, if I increase it to 15 it'll reduce the # of pages, but I felt it hurts discussion by making the index more overwhelming. What are your honest thoughts?


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>On 4chad the threads per page are 15
Stop thinking like that. You are your own website, to model yourself like the competitor will be the selbst wrought end. Keep it at 8 and limit the pages at 25. PPH is moderate and the aforementioned low-effort thread production will absolutely kill interest as it will drown out thoughtful threads with activity. Think of it as a lurker, or reoccurring visiting user; Would you really stick around for a "one-liner thread." If it were me, I would forget the website if I see too much repetitive bot script scheduled shitpost horseshit, and go back to somewhere where I know the wait will be worth a reply, interaction.

Honestly, it is challenging to think in terms of a hybrid Index and Catalog user average. It is best to evaluate through quality community interaction; what does that mean? Idk, such a judmeeperent is determined by the rightful overseer of the domain.


Give me moderator powers so i can permab& + dox people i don't like but don't expect me to do my job


do this


Are there anyone else besides brown incel?


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I'll work on the mounting backlog soon I swear
I agree with this then, I'll try to move a bunch of useless threads here until it's down to 25 pages, then make the limit
I'll look into what archive system these types of sites go for, and I agree that long running threads are the most valuable, but one off threads that get like 10 replies then die are semi valuable and will always reoccur I would think


GQRMNQY is a janny, making another mod would be bad because I can see the juicy stuff when I'm logged in lol


The weab firewhale was down for 2 days and nothing happened, I wonder how this site can grow though


why have you still not upped the image limit to 4
it's the "industry standard"


I think it's pretty visually offensive but I'll relent if another voice joins in on this… there are more firm existential things to wonder about, like how to get people here so that we don't die like bitches




I haven't yet/if at all
I did kill trips and names though


i noticed, rip filtering lul.


Reduce page count to 25. Bizarre Miku spam still up, or you can at least merge the threads. C'mon, I really don't wanna back-seat yanny.


Moving dead threads here overtime
I think I can have it trimmed enough for 25 pages tomorrow
Gentlemen should use webarchive or archive.ph to keep their favorite threads
Thankfully most of the threads at the bottom of the log are mediocre


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Please add MP3 support, also have a nice day.


File: 1700616994660.mp3 (2.23 MB, Cradle Song - Higurashi no….mp3)



Huh, didn't work the last time I tried. Was this a recent update?


It's been there for a few weeks, maybe you tried using an m4a file instead, I've gotta make the mp4 player work with audio files sometime though


Oh way it was actually an mp4, I tried posting a song about Terry Davis and Malcome X but refused to load.
But like you said that was a week ago so I forgot the details about that.


I noticed some mp4 uploads fail, I think it's due to encoding, but converting it to a webm with ffmpeg made it work


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Is this website really meant to be touhou themed/focused? I have genuinely have no interest in touhou or anything related to it. I have been mostly using this place a a random board with optional international flags. Of course, it also has an "otoku" theme to it (emphasis on the quotation marks) which, I guess I fit in that category of user. I ask since, I really do not know how to advertise or appeal to new users to this website.

I am trying to not accumulate too much personal investment to this website, but, I really do hope to see it grow. 4nigger /bant/ is genuinely atrocious to the highest caliber. No plans of ever visiting that shithole again. Thus far, this place is 2x better than /bant/.

Keep in mind, I do not know how to word this without sounding like too much of chronic keyboard glued faggot, but I have come a really long way from all the little online communities I have been a part of over the years. These days, I cannot seem to ever sate that old community during my responsibility-free youthful days. On a positive reflection, users here are kinna pleasant to interact with, and on a negative passing note to keep the thoughts balanced; we can all agree we hope the community here rest in a peaceful slumber rather than painfully dying through cancer.


It's meant to be a random board populated by people who like touhou, rozen maiden, 07th expansion or dragon ball, and this pattern emerged because the fans of these subjects behave in an interesting and mentally stimulating manner, while most otaku altchans are just babble about FoTM moe and populated by boring fags, which is the differentiation between other places and ourselves
I've deleted non-otaku spam but the board is topicless because when an intelligent person deviates from an otaku subject it's generally interesting


>how to get people here so that we don't die like bitches
You better act fast, because I already see it dissolving into autism, schizophrenia and incelcrap. From what I've seen, splinters on average have about 3 to 4 months before they become completely unusable.


There was a normalfag attack that lasted like a week when I started sharing the IB but it ended… I'm thinkin if this were a "too big for it's own good" site like the shart it would implode from drama while we're on the opposite end and are only threatened by the site dying in popularity


slow does = comfy tho.
it's not nessecarily a bad thing.
it's not /b/ which is a good thing because who would want to host a mirror of that degeneracy?


I believe that things are polarizing and that a lack of rapid growth creates rapid death with no comfortable inbetween


Does anyone else get wrong countryflags here?


That seems to be normal everywhere except 4chad, but it happens on 4chad if you use non residential proxies, so I don't feel sad about it


i can't tell you how to run your site, but if rapid growth is like the usual summerfag flood elsewhere;
that's going to be a whole lot of new people who don't get it and mess things up for attention..


also is this place pony friendly?
not me but if /qb/ was a litmus test than alot of people just don't have a shitposting board for that, just maybe not spam.


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>I already see it dissolving into autism, schizophrenia and incelcrap.
This is exactly what I am worried about. Although, schizophrenia a diagnosis turned adjective, insult; a vague term on the imageboard hemisphere at that. I do not want to point at fingers to create animosity among users, but I had hope those types would not fester here like a boil.

Issuing warnings is a good method to send a message to a user their comportment here is not considered appropriate to the website. Bans, however, are a precarious slope. Precarious in how it may create a precedent of censorship, not in "free-speech" terms, rather, a severe expulsion of a user. A ban will create tension among the administration and users.

I hope for a hands-off approach to moderation. For it to be effective, there needs to be more users. The whole "self-moderation" concept of an imageboard.

Buncha' theoretic. I just hope the best for this place.
>touhou, rozen maiden, 07th expansion or dragon ball
From your statement, I get the impression this place is a hobby sort of thing. Nothing wrong with that. A lot of little imageboards are like that nowadays. Glad to hear it is nothing serious (at least i hope not).
> but the board is topicless because when an intelligent person deviates from an otaku subject it's generally interesting
Thank you for the compliment ( i am kidding). This is the response I was hoping to hear.

The best way to grow is to sadly spam this shit every where. It either attracts good users or bad users. Which is why I have held off mentioning this place anywhere.


GR15 for lgbtqia+


>summerfag flood
DOESN'T EXIST. It happened to the shart because children like memes but that can't occur on the internet anymore due to centralization. The only things that can grow are always disgusting shit, I think I told the story on this IB before but I found an active 8chan board tagged with "Touhou" and I was very curious but it turns out that it was a board for gangstalking a cosplayer chick and they got kicked off of 4chan which is where the activity came from. It's the same as the shart becoming huge due to political controversy… as we can see the high T folk are oppressed and only degenerate behaviors create traffic in the modern internet
It can probably be contained to that one ponies thread, I only see a reason to delete something if it's disrupting the neurotypical vibes, like skibidi toilet spam defacing the catalog


I think I'll stick to harassing /jp/ occasionally but it needs to be a nationalistic group effort since I exhausted my own ammo… 'cord bros, show your friends.


make /bmt/


remove the german flag




based and yes it's a good standout thread because it isn't being spammed.
i have no hatred at all for ponies, just that people can occasionally be obnoxious about pushing it.


What does it take to be hired Yanny here? How is the pay? Any benefits? Overtime pay? Are you with the Yanny Union?


tagged nudes


I'm gonna give up on the 25 page initiative because many core denizens like to make a lot of threads and others care about data preservation, I think a catty wipe would be demoralizing, and I believe some threads can come back from the dead after a few weeks once the right person notices them
I hate to dump it on someone but sprokesam is an inevitability so I should really register a rizon channel and make janns there… they're kinda cucked and can only delete posts/files and spoiler though, what total bitches
I'd pay a nigga crypto for that once push comes to shove but we're not there just yet, and GQRMNQY is reliably awake when I'm not for now


I set pages down to 35, so threads will start dying now


Oh yeah and I finished a home page, the definition of the site is there pretty much, and I like staring at it cuz you can spy on people who sage


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a few ideas:
1.) rebrand the website to something else later so we can distance ourselves from 4chan and come up with a more unique marketable name
2.) take over the role of iichan in the english imageboard sphere and make it the dominant otaku related media imageboard
3.) study the code of Futaba and add the thread pruning/popularity mechanics it has so it can get rid of one-liner threads and old threads so the board doesnt naturally stagnate like most yotsuba-derived imageboards.


and pin this thread instead of the other


i dont hold much of creating our own imageboard project, kohlnumbra and fchan seem to be the most promising pieces of software out there at the moment
but they all miss the import of those features that make futaba boards so dynamic


move and pin the flags thread too


and why did you put rizz in the bant directory


What if the website were renamed Chireiden in the future


that would be a good one i think
also unfilter george


ch*d makes me cringe to death, if every instance of ch*d weren't george i'd go to bed slightly more worried for the site's success
If it were chireiden what would the suffix be, I'm thinkin chireiden.org
I think if I program an autosage into vichan I can remake the futaba system from there, I don't know where to find in direct terms how it works though, I just know that threads get old and disappear automatically


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so what kind of users are we even trying to bring in, i want to try and see if i can advertise the board somewhere but i need an idea of what and where to look i dont consider myself "high enough" on the totem pole to do stuff like this without input from the council or whatever


>so what kind of users are we even trying to bring in,
Anyone who likes otaku culture, because not growing violently creates boredom and contraction, but I struggle to define what the valuable users here are like, the best I can do is "they're witty and they're not boring pieces of shit". The guy who advertised on /pol/ made a cute format for advertising, it's https://warosu.org/jp/thread/45341434
Good luck bruh, it's best to just advertise it as a touhou website and not overthink anything


I added the miku, metal sonic and the zelda flags
don't ditch us yet desuspic 😭 I saw your comment about this being your rock bottom or something 🙏


ok i have my weekend busy but my sleep schedule is getting fixed so hopefully i have more time to do stuff instead of sleeping and waking up and going straight to work


Bumping this because futasuck was descending the /j/ log


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I agree with the current filter
if anything I would tyrannically filter all 'words like 'em 'log into their respective full word counterparts soley because I cannot understand what the fuck I am reading half the time and I refuse to learn soispeak
but its fine as is desu


this board is ran by soispeak zoomers goodluck


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Chief! Claiming that soispeak isn't stolen from dbs is questioning the narrative. Did you just question the narrative?


Soyshitters still have no claim on qa heritiage


filter trans to fotm


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Official dіsсоrd dropping when


I considered that before the board existed so that I could assemble a superhuman squad of people who wanted the website to succeed but this board does that now
I wonder if I should do the janitor application message that 4chan does and see what happens


maybe you should make it so that threads without a certain threshold of replies are pruned earlier, like on page 10, so that people are not discouraged as much from making new threads killing old ones


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been thinking about this too much to not, the other /bant/ always gets summerfags because edgy teenagers go to /pol/ and get imp'd.


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Sorry for blogposting, I like your website so far, the posts are much better than on /vt/. I want to ask some questions. Is this the imageboard where the /qa/ userbase is? I'm starting to get tired of nuteens who see pedos/discord everywhere and try to play moralfags while spamming tnd and gay porn on a website full of children. I'd like to know the average age of people who visit this site and if it's fine to make fun of 4cuck users, can I rarely post a 'jak or do you have a lee-esque reaction like moeshitters on 4cuck? I won't spam them I swear.


>Is this the imageboard where the /qa/ userbase is?
A lot of people here used the /qa/ board but believe the lingo and memes should be moved on from, it doesn't have any relation to /qa/ beyond the distant relation to soiteens and the encounters with them at this point
This site is probably averaging people between 19-25, but I mean, hololive is cringe okay? The people here already posts sois every now and then but because you have the hololive low IQ you'd probably be cringe… unfortunately in this world there are players and bitches and you're in the opposite camp




tons of here are /jp/sie touhou fags that hate hololive so you won't have much luck posting that you could still post other non touhou garbage doe


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I don't watch holoslop thoughever, I guess posting rozen maiden is fine and I'm trying to get into 2hu, do I just play the games in release order or something like pic related?


Start with Touhou 6 and consider playing 1-5 later
If you wanted to be super serious you could read the manga and music CDs chronologically as you play the games, that's what the image you posted is pretty much about


If you're on windows 10 or 11 you need something called vpatch or touhou 6 will run at 200fps which is actually bad because framerate is tied to logic


ask on the main board, this is a meta thread




testing post


it's low


File: 1701550007737.jpg (99.53 KB, 850x637, 154395753098.jpg)

hah wow i thought bc died i was so sad i wouldn't be able to tell you to dieanymore,it kept giving me a failed to wrie error, seems all the post i did tried to make went through apparently just delayed


george test


Ermmm the site's been dead by my standards for the past 2 days, but before that I could feel the hype wave falling off… All of this stuff reminds me of tf2cord in the past, but people are more interested in video games than imageboards, so I don't know if this website can escape cuck fate like tf2cord did
I can imagine shelving the site for viewing only or accepting it being small and getting only a few posts daily
I understand the website is very active all things considered, and I kept in mind that sparty died like a bitch a few times even after gway was deleted, but my gut tells me something is up
I could be crazy and too pessimistic considering the site was way below this level of traffic a month ago yet people still came here and were interested but I require honest thoughts nonetheless


Damn it just became really active again


other /bant/ is also slow atm so it just might be the all around trend atm.
last night i watched a thread sit in first spot for like, 10 minutes.


archive button is up sissies
I had some theory that internet traffic slows down in early winter because people are more depressive


that might be a factor, as well as some people going back to school or getting tied up with holiday family events.


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well posting was down for a bit no? so im assuming that what kinda nuked the average a bit
we just need to advertise more, thats at it comes down to,we have a fair amount of people but few of them consistently post
i will try later i have to work a 6 day week so i dont have a lot of free time my coworker got arrested or something haha
also id imagine winter would result in more traffic because the sun leaves so soon and personally i find myself stuck inside more often, I mean SAD(seasonal depression) is a thing, even i get bummed when the day is over but its barely 5,so i kind of see people just doing the depressed sleep all day


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I think people are unperceptive to advertising because most imageboard users are crabs in a bucket currently
I usually post this on a few 4chan boards while I lie in bed
Or sometimes I post the other one with https://gyate.net/imageboard


id imagine it would be better to post in a thread as to prevent immediate deletion but ill see


I do both but switch the IP first since they wipe by IP generally


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so someone posted their alt board on 4crap bant and it, if the posts are to be believed, got pizza
what is certain is they got raided by the sharty and i made the mistake of going to the sharty and i fear i may have lost valuable brain cells
the password authentication is still up yes?, while its probably the biggest wall to new users I think its unfortunately is for the best to prevent stuff like that from happening, they have still have 2 threads regarding this board but they are at the bottom of their raid catalog


For about 3 weeks the firewhale has been down, and more recently I made it so that the firewhale goes up when I'm usually asleep, so it's pretty much not there, it's just useful to stop raids without stopping people from posting here
Soibitches are genuinely so underage and turd world that they can't raid anymore but there are people who would enjoy wiping the 'log and I don't want cheese so the whale goes up for about 6 hours
I don't think it's a factor in the site's growth so there are no culprits unless the name is too stupid


>jpsies who don't switch have downs
>/jp/ janitor will delete this thread
this is le bad because now you're gonna look like a sussy baka if you advertise with this image on any other boards than /jp/ cob


Post the project file so we can:
(a) edit it to advertise this goon cave on other boards
(b) doxx you using some random info your 'IMP puts in it


File: 1701804637187-0.png (38.77 KB, 384x387, logo_fullpixels2.png)

File: 1701804637187-1.png (37.38 KB, 271x148, site_logo.png)

Here https://bantculture.com/shill.xcf
I think it being translated into russian and polish would be useful, someone said it should be advertised on 2chan as well sometime, but I would probably be the one to find a japanese speaker to rewrite it
The logo was posted somewhere on this board already but here are these too


The funny touhou font is DFPPOPCorn-W12


bantculture.com is now banned text on 4chan lol


what's the current password aryan georgedy
imma invite yonkers


No pass is needed except during the evropean morning




Yonkers still owes me one draw request! Git dat lil' goof ball in the Draw Thread PRONTO!!!


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File: 1701894646990.png (143.19 KB, 800x650, 1679737507087306.png)

imagine the smell…….


I banned a lot of tor IPs, I wonder if OP can still post
I might keep the sprokewall up for days in a row, from what I'm seeing every altchan indexed by bots is hit by spam in waves, and once you're tagged it can't be shaken


What's the new pass


You can delete this now


but soipabloes only know sharthou and k-on


my back door method of getting in still works, but people wound have to know the lore behind this imageboard's origin to find it.
thankfully not too many people pay attention to things like that.


SoiFUCKS who entered the password a month ago can still get in, here we go


430 posts today and my get acceleration thread definitely counts


sharty being wiped by a trumpbot


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holy kekkeroni
i used that copypasta quite a bit last year


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I remember when that nigga posted his prepubescent twp, shii was wild ong


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them taking L's will never not be funny
reason: obnoxious


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He died in a cartel stabbing didn't he… it will LITERALLY NEVER be the same without bro



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KOGGY KILLER or another IP harvesting scheme? Place your bets!


File: 1702192311263.png (294.24 KB, 850x854, pepewako glasses off.png)

>groyper tf2 server that is shut down for being dead after 1 week#1924190 is real


File: 1702203886406.jpg (300.87 KB, 850x1275, 17456789076543.jpg)

said altchan is now giving me an address not found
didnt even last a week it seems
that or they changed address


bruh this image is shadowbanned on 4cuck


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add a black dot with 4chanx image edit in 30 days XD


>how do we stop kogastopia grinches from botting and raisinting up our server? their mods are legitimatly deranged snowmans i wouldn't want to interact with


lol mook mad


>>Disable Sprays, potential for 'p niggas to CIU the server for people with those enabled. Might not be a problem legal-wise because sprays now get wiped from user cache automatically. If you think that 'p spam won't be a problem, take a simple look at how easy it is to bypass bans with a VPN + new steam account.

keyed sabotage


i can shill this on touhou threads on /jp/


if you post it you get automatically banned so add one pixel to it in paint
or use 4chanx image editor


File: 1702408578968.jpg (475.16 KB, 1024x768, 43879019_p0.jpg)

Girls, we're SO dead.


File: 1702411141740.png (52.5 KB, 205x199, IMG_0433.png)


File: 1702411372770.png (133.02 KB, 422x250, 10534 - detailed fujiwara_….png)


File: 1702411533894.jpeg (603.82 KB, 900x1000, IMG_0421.jpeg)


finally a good image


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File: 1702477802967.png (180.78 KB, 1781x1857, 1700488038942.png)

Erm dead website again


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this site is my personal blog now sorry


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File: 1702559677398.png (196.83 KB, 1080x795, file.png)

Is this where I put shart news?
they're going to unite /v/ at this rate


btw spiclet I think the site should only be advertised on 4chan because of you-know-what



yeah fair enough


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Website is so fuarking different without op


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did he die
like legit wasnt he suffering some terrible disease, or i hope he was shitposting desu


He's edgy so he comes and goes, but it's not the pissbaby kind of edgy, it's like he has ultra high standards and is slightly unhinged
his philosophical teachings are that discussions and long running things are valuable while one off replies aren't, but one off replies are the modern standard, and I can see how different things are without him


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yeah hes not the just fucking kill yourself kind of guy(haha imagine being that..)
having been witness to the so called "glory" days of r/banters i saw that a healthy mix of the two worked best, we cant just all sit here and spout armchair philosophies or just go haha anime girls
i think just not taking this too seriously is the way to go, but the managing and what not goes to you, currently i like this place yeah its dead at times but it beats the cesspool that is 4chan desu


It's up
do stake:<words>










This place feels blackpilled as hell without german thremboy and desuspic backing it up, damn
The posts per day are high but the future isn't very clear to me


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people move on desu, thats just how it is
new ones come in, old ones go
im still here after all these years because im kinda a misanthrope and i get more irritated than anything being around people
like i love my family, they accept me for my flaws but i cannot be in the same house as them i literally bought a shed to live in outside
i am incapable of having a big social life
not that it bothers me of course i accepted this a long time ago
point being regular healthy people will simply move on to better things, all we can do is hope they find what theyre looking for


the thremboy and I are blood but the spic coming and going was to be expected
Worse comes to worst the website would be left up with LTS treatment and activity would remain in the draw thread and a little elsewhere
10k posts is a lot to be proud of so the website would look really cool even if it dies someday
lastly I believe 3 or 4 people would continue sharing their drawings in the draw thread regardless of what happens so the bitter end wouldn't be too bad if we give up


I wonder if porn should be contained in a board called /gooner/ or something because it's getting a little silly at this point


well i dont like pornography dumps i absolutely respect the right to post it, provided its spoilered appropriately
i actually enjoy getting mad on the internet because a certain spainard continues to post the nost horrendous shit ive ever seen, unexpected stuff is the spice of life
of course this is just my not important opinion
i still do see the point youre making


he just posted something insanaely bad and didn't spoiler it but I probably caught it in like 2 seconds


File: 1703211905074.png (260.67 KB, 2979x2191, 1703053054759231.png)

yeah thats ssp in a nutshell
you have to understand gooner board or not hes gonna do it regardless
thats just how he is


File: 1703212666860.png (Spoiler Image, 469.48 KB, 1447x1974, IMG_0885.png)

>oh no I posted something horrible again, how can this happen


what did he post





File: 1703397331405.jpg (469.2 KB, 3256x1984, 1689910150875517.jpg)



File: 1703397900093.png (209.42 KB, 302x414, 1701296245276.png)

its probably the holidays desu, i kinda lost the day helping to assemble a tool shed


Are thumbnails smaller now?


They went from 255px to 208, it fixed some posts being crunched as hell, and op thumbs are still 255, so the difference is kind of a feature
Whalestickers next but I miss german troon spamming 🤪😭


I put up a faq, I'm working slow as hell but the bbc.com christmas card is hype so it's fine


File: 1703667600588.png (730.6 KB, 850x705, i2FMkKg.png)

>We may rebrand to "Chireiden" in the future.
not a bad idea, it may be best to distance from r/banter, it was good for the initial gathering of users but now there is nothing really good to extract from there


I think he's back


File: 1703817929388.png (414.43 KB, 674x608, 1703814416960818.png)

Dumb website be more aliverino!


Ban soytrannies I fucking hate em


A few soitacos are alright and keep pretty quiet
The raid/doxxing spicwave usually spam and get 'walled


File: 1703873525021.png (33.79 KB, 461x183, file.png)



Soor really owns the site?!


yeah sorry


how da fuck do i spoiler


File: 1703953524704.png (2.66 KB, 300x65, file.png)

I think it's like this


How do I do it on images though?


It's at the top but not on quick reply


New banners when?


Be the change you want to see in the whale


Wdym Canadian fella?


File: 1704171008482.png (223.92 KB, 550x550, 1686165277474.png)

>tf2 is a casual fps so the server dying was expected


File: 1704242352192.jpg (5.48 KB, 179x282, 1701655179792.jpg)

>it's ogre
>server is dead as hell froot promote it more
>Why not just join the server even at 0 and wait for a bit
>>0 players
>it's actually fucking over
>What if we griefed banttf2 (/bant/'s team fortress server) with sniper bot and heavy spinbot?


File: 1704320003617.gif (325.32 KB, 250x250, IMG_2028.gif)

Btw xhe even use the cord and leaks random people IPs or something
Xhe even locked /int/ the best board ever!


They are merging it with /pol/ apparently


/pol/ is tranny


File: 1704399558208.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 65.41 KB, 720x550, GCxNU1gXMAAVre4.jpeg)



I think quick reply has a spoiler now, if it's fucked somehow scream about it




File: 1704443999189.png (805.07 KB, 1168x562, bruhly.png)

On dat grind making a filter for spoilered images


>>>/formatting/ is missing italics which is surrounded by two apostrophes on each side and bold by three


File: 1704574328675.png (238.35 KB, 330x790, 1556642605770.png)


just ignore that linking to subpages isn't actually real


File: 1704747806267.png (170.5 KB, 955x715, 8423 - bug death eternity_….png)

Now I know why leftypol hates vichan, this shit's horribleerino


File: 1704791494045.jpg (111.91 KB, 1280x1280, 113230423_p0.jpg)

If you clear your cache or wait an hour there's a hide menu, and in the options menu there's "Filter Spoilered Images" likes someone requested
If the arrows are gay I can kill them but they make the site look more technologically competent I think


update: killed filter menu for being laggy but the other thing is still up


lefties should love vichan because entire polish youth makes jokes about our pope being a pedo thanks to it




i like the arrows, they're very convenient.


I meant the filter arrows but 1. those are back and 2. the nav arrows match 2chan now! Yep, we won.



File: 1705462651631.jpg (112.19 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x10….jpg)

There were 620 posts today ☝️🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶
Also I checked recently and 1600 people were lurking, we're kind of a big deal.


File: 1705488932749.jpg (36.07 KB, 720x713, 1705148531898.jpg)

are we gonna make it chief sir???


File: 1705489810050.png (62.68 KB, 584x1007, 7296 - full_bodied himemus….png)

grind never ends




Excuse me
It's been like 60% fixed since then


Evendoe they keep the site alive


Ban these obnoxious frogpond niggers already


File: 1705882025713.png (60.47 KB, 220x221, 1659616320339746.png)


File: 1705882136975.jpg (210.37 KB, 1156x1180, 1478449569655.jpg)

>Ban these obnoxious frogpond niggers already


It's usually one guy replying to himself and it's pretty entertaining, it doesn't do any harm as long as most of their threads are auto'
soishit was a bigger deal because they're obsessed with racebait and trans folks so most of what they say reduces the NT vibes


File: 1705884991142.jpg (134.5 KB, 988x948, 1705645174155.jpg)

Mad about it shariablue?


(((It's))) afraid. (((It's))) afraid that it knows what we know.


(((They))) are afraid of Ponders


File: 1705961558487.jpg (2.53 MB, 1715x2463, namek vegito.jpg)

this place is way faster than 4bant atm


File: 1706127945629.png (288.94 KB, 570x428, 1705932804312.png)

This happened




what is this whale called


click home and then click formatting


File: 1706141338576.png (443.24 KB, 588x712, 1539494155886 - Copy - Cop….png)

mind = blown





File: 1706204754927.jpg (25.82 KB, 474x474, 017da908c5120cfdf63ed7752b….jpg)

board suggestions below. the more boards the more ground kikes would have to try and control (which they can't)


add /qa2/, /groyper/ and /trump/


test ITT




do this


Threads filtered with "Filter spoilers and NSFW terms" flag appear on the log for me unless I filter them manually



Filtering doesn't hide embedded videos


It doesn't work on the shitty or leftypol either so I've got my work cut out for me


File: 1706282055005.jpg (862.75 KB, 1066x1500, 1706197047493.jpg)

Utsuho swag


Porn board when?


I'm kinda thinking porn should be contained elsewhere again, we'll have to wait and see


File: 1706423882164.gif (11.67 KB, 107x96, 1706026242293.gif)

Create an RSS Feed



add pdf support


Weird but you can try it out


File: 1706923235669.png (255.81 KB, 480x640, 1706918075485629.png)

we are SO DEAD


Nah wait, capitalizing it makes it sound worse than it actually is


embeds are demonic, add an option that turns them into ordinary links


Demonic in appearance or because of the performance hit/performance hit on mobile


former, and tinfoil reasons, and because my half-assed solution means i have to open the HTML inspector to get the links


I take it you're also a no-JS schizo, but if I'm wrong that would be somewhat quick to create in *monkey by the sounds of it


will prolly just do that


I'll figure it out


Embedding error.


insanae that this worked


ok girls you can have 100 pages
have to go get ssp back tho


Damn this website only peaked 2 weeks ago when iraqi finished umitard
I wonder what I can do from here


File: 1707555936788.jpg (2.23 MB, 2000x2000, 1705788422024.jpg)

ssp's demands are far too great for you im afraid


File: 1707739644332.mp4 (1.29 MB, 1280x720, 701900008ad2be8809bf2cea54….mp4)



I cant upload AV1 media


File: 1707843140996.png (301.13 KB, 1800x1100, 3300 - alternate_headwear ….png)

Come back first


File: 1707858483358.png (31.67 KB, 848x1100, 9073 - detailed full_bodie….png)

waiting for ssp to come back be like


im starting to like it here


hate it please


File: 1707875080666.png (16.91 KB, 715x335, 5866 - double_dealing_char….png)


File: 1707877849221.png (338.09 KB, 706x679, file.png)



File: 1707882182879.png (11.52 KB, 296x125, file.png)

wow our language is spreading


It's up



File: 1708614743096.jpg (96.47 KB, 850x717, 153478462391.jpg)

guys it says international / random but I never see any discussion or banter about nations only popularity stuff about the german and the iraqi so why does it still say international :gay:


Marisa twerk


File: 1708620151413.png (213.63 KB, 1210x846, 173493463389.png)

saiyan whale needs a little help


File: 1708620547376.jpg (78.31 KB, 1080x1080, fumoudonge_20210918_163256….jpg)

This is immersive


saiyan whale is ACTUALLY on bant????????????????????????????????????????????????????


File: 1709051842985-0.png (142.82 KB, 600x437, 600px-Team_red.png)

File: 1709051842985-1.png (199.58 KB, 600x387, 600px-Team_blu.png)

These as flags perhapo

Tf2 is inextricably part of bant and wider otaku culture and i feel it's a violation of my rights that I cant rep it in any way


I made these for bant1 but didn't send them in because tf2 is faux
I'll check


TF2 is trv since when it was at its peak it has the same audience as adult swim which is also trv


tf2 isnt trv anymore.. the most otaku server on there posts fin users


Fact check: Trump's prostate was too big, the hair thing is just consequential


his doctor confirmed it was for hairloss.


Sleepy joe paid him for this


Sleepy Joe payed the Dr to make trump look like a high iq blackpilled neurotyoical winner? Weird


File: 1709342950397.jpg (93.48 KB, 800x800, Touhou-Project-Anime-Chara….jpg)


wow I failed


File: 1709497733444.jpeg (188.47 KB, 850x1189, IMG_9187.jpeg)

Umm… I thought the catty only stored up to 40 pages… why are there 56??


the website became active enough for good threads to die really often so I removed the cap, the amount of threads per page was increased from 8 to 15 too


I realized most imageboard users are a poisoned well and that sanitizing the site in any manner is wasted effort since they're a dying breed of manchildren that will run away if they see a shitpost


Chireiden is a banger name tho


what's that have to do with a name


The idea was that the name would stop the website from growing because it's an obscure joke


make a board where 2hu isn't allowed


shounen board when


File: 1710401578017.png (26.82 KB, 500x430, file.png)


I wonder if bbpog should support webp or if that's like supporting the NWO or whatever


File: 1710540527753.mp4 (829.78 KB, 720x720, Gelbooru_ed681df63696bd204….mp4)

make /foul/ and /feet/


File: 1710561639680.jpg (32.31 KB, 357x500, s-l500.jpg)

bbcom needs /d/ so that fart agartha general can come back


you deleted a not confirmed nuenis, you just can't decide if a nuenis is a real nuenis if there's no 'enis showing, you have no proof and could be a nuessy and then you fucked up big time


I've seen man in my time, that's a man


I haven't seen that in a long time but at some level internally the default is yotsuba B


webp needs to be #killed
webp images should all be converted to jpg or png by the user with image magick or something


I figured that was the white whale's way, maybe this week


File: 1710867023773.png (134.7 KB, 238x610, file.png)


I figured how that works is that the post with the smaller filesize appears 2nd when two are submitted at the same time


when i sometimes click on the catalog button, the bnat tab freezes entirely and i have to close it and reopen it so it stops freezing.
i'm on brave and i'm using 4chanx via violentmonkey


It's probably because 4chanx uses so much cpu, when spamming 4chan I would usually have to turn it off or risk freezing my pc
I'll limit the pages to 50 again pretty soon


I think we need to crack down on excessive 2nari jokes because it's really one of those "give an inch take a mile" in how obnoxious it is


I sure hope this doesn't provoke them or anything


I have downloaded several shemale gifs just to post them on bint but don't have the conscience to post them


Poland will throw you in jail because poland is based


all mentions of this site in int archive have pl flags



File: 1711824326100.jpg (746.4 KB, 728x1315, 1711591595313.jpg)

They're fugitives


If I eat a whole bottle of aspirin will I get a brazillion dht or do I need to buy it


>niezły BFC bocchi *klepie w jajca*
nice bantculture reference


Aspirin would increase T and DHT in the long term by improving health and opposing estrogen but if you want to take something for DHT use Creatine since it's proven to increase DHT by over 50% and it has a long half life in the system


File: 1711825476894.jpg (60.07 KB, 405x602, nmvcbnm,xvc,mncxvm,ncxv,nm….jpg)



Also liver is cheap asf and you can fry a cutlet of it in butter then cover it in shitloads of salt (eating tons of salt is important basically)
My DHT is being held in customs but it made me remember that creatine is controversial for increasing dht
Beef has a lot of creatine but 5g of creatine is equivalent to 2.2 pounds of beef
Also dumping salt on chocolate milk is kino


File: 1711826373463.png (29.99 KB, 721x611, over.png)

>siostra zobaczyla touhou fiuty i zmusza mnie iść do psychologa XD jestem kurwa skończony



there was one complaining about an autosaged fiuty thread


>yfw it's real


File: 1711980883042.png (29.03 KB, 1200x800, chain_suigintou.png)

is it just me or the sighte has been boring af and lowkey dead for the past several days


Maybe a week ago


I haven't advertised it since sometime in February, I'm surprised the traffic didn't suffer more
The amount of activity went down but the number of posters is very high compared to before, and the day with the most activity was 2 weeks ago, so the chances of the website going anywhere are low
It suffers from not being advertised because it becomes more boring without new blood and controversy
I'll advertise it when I stop doing personal stuff, I treat this site in a sink or swim manner though, other people should be posting it on 4chan (through an image)






File: 1713379730089-0.gif (118.77 KB, 728x90, Untitled.gif)

File: 1713379730089-1.png (133.63 KB, 300x250, bfcadvert2.png)

made 4chan banners for when I feel like doing the deed
site is #Alive asf fr





Board: /bant/
Reason: Kys
Report date: 04/25/24 (Thu)


File: 1714156739760.png (926.11 KB, 1200x1300, 0ec14d7a507a1405d7f794e68a….png)


Doomshit BTFO


posted this on 2hujerk and it got removed


when do we get j4


and wtf where is j2


It's real


File: 1716239950949.png (59.49 KB, 814x171, 2024-05-19_18-03.png)

I wound up doing this yesterday, it's a small advert (only jp, only desktop at the bottom to test the waters) so I can know what to expect later (desktop users all use adblockers duh) but it's promising and cheap, I think they'll run all the time a few weeks from now


bruh the password


It's no big deal, the site was always supposed to work by having touhou fans look at it and enter "hecatia", coincidentally, that banner advert was paused a while before the bot started, and I do shove every ip range of new posters into trumpflare


Oh yeah if you're not clued in trumpflare usually isn't up anymore, you probably wanted to know that first


File: 1716591993819.png (3.34 KB, 348x23, file.png)



File: 1716758765603.jpg (147.51 KB, 900x1200, 6654353665.jpg)

so how has activity fared since the ads


It peaked in activity 4 days ago but it's still dependent on the people here for the website to survive


File: 1716935070846.gif (1.01 MB, 500x500, BA_shupo_006.gif)

why does a red board require spoilering porn


bant1 had a rule against porn dump threads and futaba b is abhorrent


File: 1716938363925.gif (976.6 KB, 500x500, BA_shupo_011.gif)


" geg" just got filtered.


…good luck discussing jujutsu kaisen




Testing for tripcode


Testing for gay tripcode


Testing. This is my first time posting on this site.


What about the pepe frog theme


Yotsuba is incredibly important to whatever this website is supposed to mean, but maybe german troon knows some secret brahmin css that other imageboards use


I think that the number of pages should be decreased somewhat because it makes the site feel a bit bloated


Yeah I started reducing them two days ago, when the site started to grow large good threads kept dying but now it's not any good, ideally the main board would prune inactive threads like Futaba but it's been very difficult to attempt programming that into Vichan, this video is outdated but funny


File: 1720106486607.gif (3.02 MB, 400x400, 7c96920662f09c7dc7696e55b1….gif)

This new feature is nuts




What do you think of 4chanx with vichan


Very cultured posters. I can relate to >>42 quite a bit, as I also can't find something to replace that old community feel but I find this place amazing. Even though I've only been here for a few hours.
However I am trying push forward to finding that community, regardless of my IRL responsibilities.

As for advertising, I came here from a matrix room. Sure, coming here like that might be akin to chatroom linking, but I was actively looking for fun spaces to gather around to.
So advertise! just don't do it on turbo normie infested sites. I'm aware that the distinction between normies and fun posters is becoming very thin due to homogeneity, but if you mention this on a tailored blog or forum, you'll get the audience you need.

As for >>43 I second that what they say about all those specific weeb media. 4cuck jp isn't what it used to be, but it had a certain culture that general anime sites don't. Lots of interesting things can develop from that.
And I'm also glad the board is focused on topics beyond that, otherwise things get too stale.

Thank you for reading my blogpost


Mods and jannies
May you please make a feature to pin threads on here? I don't want to make generals obviously, but I'd like to follow threads when they are active.


Read this and tell me what you think of using it
It's popular but performance intensive


sounds good. I have tampermonkey on me so I'll try it out. danke helpful anon


Update, tried it, it's amazing!. Though I made sure to turn off almost all settings except for thread watch and gallery. running smoothly


File: 1722402177171-0.png (38.93 KB, 530x496, epic_fail.png)

File: 1722402177171-1.png (302.84 KB, 1010x1040, zundathink.png)

y does bant hate scans?


What software produced the images if they're your scans


Not mine, downloaded from mangadex.org




File: 1723837280657.jpg (695.07 KB, 1080x1680, 20240816_154030.jpg)

gratz Gmen
The 11k gap is mostly from threads being moved to other boards lole


File: 1726001977001.png (260.38 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (213).png)



little g3rl gives a gibberish error like that so cp bots get confused


File: 1726599119212.jpg (281.12 KB, 900x900, 1718754273021996.jpg)

mods pls halp a wild spam bot appeared
permaban correction is required


It probably came from gyate booru lole


File: 1726600042380.jpg (36.43 KB, 500x500, 1725545773516199.jpg)

peace was restored to the bant


Is there somewhere I can find the code for Trumpflare to steal it for my own Purposes or is it Sekrit Sauce that is not to be shared?


It seems unwise to share it especially considering it's the age of people using AI for personal things
It's just a simple php program that edits a file symlinked to a file read by Apache


What if I don't feel lonely to begin with


File: 1727228924663.png (560.34 KB, 650x868, 2354211114686.png)

another bot showed up mr ac
it was german, russian or something i thinks i dont know it had to nuked instantly maybe expand filter to include specific words in other languages


They just retype it, they show up about 1/100th as much as I make trumpflare smaller in size, I'll just halve it again and they should be finished, originally the site would let in large subnets because of activity concerns and those are phased out almost


File: 1727256664546.jpg (62.5 KB, 600x480, Niwatari.Kutaka.600.312872….jpg)

yeah ive noticed my mobile range whaled by trumpflare
password changed too
but its fine i agree its necessary to counteract bots


The easy passwords are in effect like hecatia


File: 1727476341928.png (233.1 KB, 413x2156, file.png)

i thought archive.today was whitelisted


I originally got webarchive to work and was fine with archive.today not working since trumpflare was disabled for a long period of time, but because the cp bots tagged this place I left trumpflare on foreva and never patched this up
I'll probably be able to fix webarchive today then try experimenting with archive.today later, the issue with archive.today is that they use so many different IPs


I soooooooo did not fix this when I said I would bruh


I sent emails to the archive sites asking for a hand instead of trying brute force, I remember seeing someone on a soycuck site ages ago complaining that the owners were blocking archive sites with their captcha and that they should just ask for IPs to whitelist, I hope it's actually that simple haha~


They said they use Opera's VPN service so I tried changing how trumpflare works instead and the archive sites are actually working now
Yep we're back babe


Trumpflare is only required to post now and not to lurk, at least I think it's working
Hedgy is bnat culture


Also Trumpflare hasn't even been labelled "trumpflare" in ages it's actually 無下限 now because right wing people shouldn't be given attention


File: 1728699965791.jpg (3.13 MB, 2508x3541, 1728658237018209.jpg)

Because it's for beasts




Add /pol/



add pol so this one guy can post on it by himself


File: 1730559360680.png (90.43 KB, 661x606, catkiss.png)

add a sage flag maybe so that you can actually sage in every field


File: 1734712965270.png (1.8 MB, 1200x1145, original_drawn_by_s_zenith….png)

add a :skull: sticker. (image up to you, but make it have 💀💀💀 vibes)


why are 90% of the images i see deleted
just delete the posts so i don't have to wonder that they were


File: 1737093032708.png (9.22 MB, 3018x3018, 1733608720582.png)

no you must know big brother is always watching


It's because there's a third world russian guy who spams gay porn and scat but we have to put up with him because 60% of people find him super funny


File: 1737123907593.png (4.87 KB, 225x225, file.png)

>because 60% of people find him super funny

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